Did you know that you can request a packed lunch or late dinner meal if you are unable to make the scheduled meal times?
To do this, head over to our Campus Dining 4 U meal ordering site.
You will need to register first, and then after this you can simply log in for any future meal requests.
Please note: Request an evening meal is for O’Rorke Orbit, Uni Towers Haven and Grafton Grove ONLY.
Waiparuru Hive has an extended meal time from 11:00am to 9:00pm, you can choose a meal time that suits you!
All halls have the capacity for Packed Lunches on request through the online ordering system.
Late Dinner Meal
O’Rorke Orbit, Uni Towers Haven, Grafton Grove
If you are unable to make the scheduled dinner service, you can request a late meal.
Simply head over to our Campus Dining 4U meals app via the link above, request your late meal
no later than 3pm that day, and pick up from the kitchen when you are ready for it.
Watch the video to see how to order!
Reheating instructions
When reheating late dinner meals, make sure you stay food safe by reheating your meal until it is
steaming hot and only reheat your meal once.
Packed Lunches
O’Rorke Orbit, Uni Towers Haven, Grafton Grove, Waiparuru Hive
If you are unable to make this - no problem, you can request a packed lunch.
Simply head over to our Campus Dining 4U meals app via the link above, request your packed lunch,
and pick up from the kitchen during breakfast service. Just remember the deadline for ordering packed lunches is midnight the night before.